Technical assistance and expert advice from aGora specialists.
Our Premium Support service offers direct contact with our aGora technical support experts' team.
This customized Support service is offered always for free to customers and also during the first subscription year to aGora.desktop customers.
Subscribe nowfrom only €8.00/month

aGora usage assistance.
Receive unlimited technical assistance about the program usage or problems using it.
Remote support
Obtain solutions to your doubts and problems with the program connecting remotely with our experts.
Special discounts access
Get advantages and special conditions to contract new program extensions or other services.
aGora usage assistance
Make an unlimited number of technical support consultations directly with a specialist via email.
Through this service, you will get technical assistance about the usage of the program and about technical problems while using it.
This service allows too the assigned contact person of the company to make an unlimited number of incidences or technical support consultations by email or from the user area for a whole year.

Remote support
Help from a specialist with a single click.
With this option, our technical experts can offer remote help in the fastest, more efficient and easy way. This way, our technicians will connect directly to your system to solve every kind of problem, incidence or doubt appeared while using aGora, and you will be able to be in touch with our support technicians using chat tools.
Terms of use: Our technicians reserve their right to evaluate and decide about the necessity of this system usage to the solution of the requested problem.
Minimum requirements: To ensure the proper working, a broadband connection is required (ADSL, cable,…).
A remote support session can be initiated from here:

Special discounts access
Get advantages and special discounts to contract program extensions and other services.
By contracting the Premium Support service, you will have free access to some advantages and special services for futures contracts of extension, additional services (such as aGora.connect), specialized courses about the application usage, etc.