We want to thank all our aGora users that contribute the launch of new versions and program compilations with their inestimable suggestions.
Through the release notes you will view some novelties added to the updates and new versions of the program. These novelties expand aGora constantly, providing it of improved stability, new functionalities, solved errors, etc.

- 4.65.810 (24/04/24)
- 4.64.800 (09/08/23)
- 4.63.790 (28/02/23)
- 4.62.780 (16/05/22)
- 4.61.770 (15/12/21)
- 4.60.760 (22/09/21)
- 4.59.750 (23/04/21)
- 4.58.740 (17/12/20)
- 4.57.730 (26/10/20)
- 4.56.720 (17/08/20)
- 4.55.710 (01/02/20)
- 4.54.700 (25/01/19)
- 4.53.690 (20/06/18)
- 4.52.680 (03/05/18)
- 4.51.670 (26/02/18)
- 4.49.650 (08/05/17)
- 4.48.640 (09/02/17)
- 4.47.630 (21/09/16)
- 4.46.620 (01/06/16)
- 4.45.610 (27/04/16)
- 4.44.600 (29/01/16)
- 4.43.590 (23/09/15)
- 4.42.580 (23/04/15)
- 4.40.560 (14/01/15)
- 4.39.550 (07/10/14)
- 4.39.540 (15/07/14)
- 4.39.530 (23/05/14)
- 4.39.520 (16/04/14)
Release notes 4.49.650
- NEW FEATURE New statistic added Payment days by means of payment (incoming payments). It can be found in the flap "Accounts > Statistics > Income and incoming payments". From SILVER edition onwards.
- NEW FEATURE New statistic added Payment days. It can be found in the flap"Accounts > Statistics > Expenses and payments". From SILVER edition onwards.
- NEW FEATURE New statistic added Payment days by means of payment. It can be found in the flap "Accounts > Statistics > Expenses and payments". From SILVER edition onwards.
- NEW FEATURE New statistic added Profitability by days. It can be found in the flap "Accounts > Statistics > Profitability". From GOLD edition onwards.
- NEW FEATURE New statistic added Treasury. It can be found in the flap "Accounts > Statistics > Profitability".From GOLD edition onwards.
- NEW FEATURE New statistic added Treasury by days. It can be found in the flap "Accounts > Statistics > Profitability". From GOLD edition onwards.
- NEW FEATURE New automation added: "Delete batch enquiries". Those enquiries which are provided by the Emagister synchrony won't be deleted.
- NEW FEATURE New automation added: "Delete batch actions". Those actions which are provided by the Emagister synchrony won't be deleted.
- NEW FEATURE New statistic added Sales by commercial. It can be found in the flap "Sales > Statistics > Sales". From GOLD edition onwards.
- NEW FEATURE New statistic added Contracts by course . It can be found in the flap "Sales > Statistics > Contracts". From SILVER edition onwards.
- NEW FEATURE New statistic added Contracts by contract type . It can be found in the flap "Sales > Statistics > Contracts". From SILVER edition onwards.
- NEW FEATURE New possibility to modify the invoiced bills installment plan. Until now, if the bill was already invoiced, it was not allowed to edit it, it was impossible then to modify the related bills installments plan. Now, it is possible to access the bill only to modify the installent plan, but not the bills amounts data or their description items.
- NEW FEATURE New functionality added which allows to transfer the "Enquiry provider" to the "Source of contact" field when adding new students and/or customers from an enquiry. To do this, in both, the "Enquiry provider" parameter and the "Source of contact" parameter, there must be the same records written using exactly the same nomenclature. That is, if in the Enquiry providers parameter exists the parameter "Press release", it must exist also a "Press release" record in Contact origines to allow the program link them.
- NEW FEATURE Functionality enlarged of the Incoming payments with starting date between query. This query shows all the incoming payments between two concrete dates. Now, it has been added the possibility to add a second filter about the bills: by contract type, by student type, by group type, by course type, by customer type, by sales type, by bill type or by bills series.
- NEW FEATURE SMS sending adapted for the Esendex platform to allow a text which includes some character not allowed in the GSM standard to be sent as an Unicode SMS and avoiding that way spelling mistakes in the text received by the final user. If a message is sent as Unicode, instead of using 1 credit per message, there can be used until 3.
- NEW FEATURE New fields added in the students assessments. Now, it can be indicated if the assessment result has been signed by the tutor or not and the date it was signed.
- NEW FEATURE New fields added in the attendances. Now, student absences can be marked as justified or not, and also indicate the date and justification description. These new fields will used to elaborate the students' attendance reports, where it can be also indicated the percentage of absences justified and not justified.
- NEW FEATURE Modified the student's attendance report, which will distinguish if desired, between absences with confirmed teaching, not taucht classes or nonworking days, in order to not include them in the student's absences sum. The attendance calculation will be also taken into account in the assessment results report and in the attendances lists.
- NEW FEATURE Added the possibility to send the document of contract directly to the customer by mail.
- FIXING SOURCE If an enquiry was deleted, not all the related records were unlinked, only the first one in each table. That is, for example, if there was more than one mail linked to a request, only the link to the first one was quitted, the rest remained.
- FIXING SOURCE In the queries "Totals of students of the session between dates" and "Totals of students of the group between dates", if ordering by the field Total, the result is an error when trying to open it again using that predefined order. Now, it is not possible to save the order for next query consultations.
- FIXING SOURCE The Region field wasn't being copied when adding new students and customers from an enquiry. It also happened from the new contract window.
- FIXING SOURCE Solved bug in the teacher's prefilter when producing "batch student attendance register" documents in any format. When selecting a teacher, it appeared a list to select the academic year.