We want to thank all our aGora users that contribute the launch of new versions and program compilations with their inestimable suggestions.

Through the release notes you will view some novelties added to the updates and new versions of the program. These novelties expand aGora constantly, providing it of improved stability, new functionalities, solved errors, etc.

aGora Release Notes

Release notes 4.39.520

  • IMPORTANT New license server to register the application.
  • IMPORTANT Improved contract management. Now the same student in the same contract can be subscribed in different groups with different output taxes and deductions. The data modifications of the contract group details, affect the associated bills in case the contract payment options ‘Payment in one or more instalments’. Bills associated to a contract can be used from this contract.
  • IMPORTANT Improved bill generation. For ‘Payment in one or more instalments’ and ‘Payment in one or more instalments (subscribed hours)’, the application will create automatically the bill for the total import and with its instalments, depending on the selected plan. The ‘Automatic generation of bills’ process will only be used in ‘Regular payment’ or ‘Payment for hours’.
  • IMPORTANT New management of non-academic products and services. The ancient version of materials to do a complete non-academic products and services management has been improved, for all those products to be sent by the centre (books, DVDs, computers, etc.) or services offered (translations, transport, classroom rental, etc.).
  • NEW FEATURE Extension of the option ‘Payment in one or more instalments’. There exist now two options available to: generate an only bill with the different bill instalments depending on the selected plan, or generate some different bills with amount and date depending on the selected instalment plan. This allows invoicing and counting all the debt in a concrete date or doing it in various dates.
  • NEW FEATURE Contract document improved. For contracts with payment option ‘Regular payment’, if the associated contract or group has a termination date, “monthly, quarterly payments, etc.” generated by the contract, can be added, and the total amount as well, in the document.
  • NEW FEATURE “Search” extended. In the ‘Start’ tab, in the ‘Search’ section, it has been added the possibility to make searches by e-mail of student, customer, teacher or enquiry.
  • NEW FEATURE Invoices generation improved. Bills now can have amounts with different taxes and deductions, data transferred completely to the invoice. Now, a detailed line of an invoice will correspond exactly with a detailed line of an invoiced bill, ancient versions only generated an invoice line for each invoiced bill.
  • NEW FEATURE Improved management of cash register and bank account movements. Now, the incoming/outgoing payment will be completely linked to the cash/bank transaction generated by it. This way, if this incoming/outgoing payment is eliminated from the database, it will also be eliminated automatically the cash/bank transaction associated, regularizing the bank/cash balance. Besides, the cash/bank balance will be calculated using the transaction value date and not the transaction date. It has also been added the possibility to modify the entrances/outgoings transactions manually.
  • NEW FEATURE Student attendance register new document “Daily with timetable”. It will ask for a selection of a concrete session and a range of dates. Creates a list of students for each day of class from a range of dates, specifying subject, teacher, classroom and teaching hours. To make this list exportable, all group teaching data must be added (sessions and timetables).
  • NEW FEATURE Migration process, export/import between companies improved. It has been improved by adding email accounts tables, enquiries and email templates
  • NEW FEATURE New user permission “Print and export reports”. With this new permission, it can be created a group of users that will be able to launch documents (see them in the screen) but not printing or export them.
  • FIXING SOURCE Solved bug in the list window of expenses instalments.
  • FIXING SOURCE Solved bug of the email sending through combined templates.
  • FIXING SOURCE Solved bug while adding products with long description items.
  • FIXING SOURCE Solved problem while forwarding files with an apostrophe in the name to an email.
  • FIXING SOURCE Solved bug in the reminder bar for groups remaining to be activated.
  • FIXING SOURCE Solved bug in the enquiries review process without associated students/customers.
  • FIXING SOURCE Solved bug when sending emails to accounts with more than 3 characters endings (such as,
  • FIXING SOURCE Solved bug for sending emails from an enquiry made with the extension builder when in the email field, there are several accounts separated by commas.
  • FIXING SOURCE Solved bug while linking the Customer table with a subprogram if the name was indicated as a field to show.
  • FIXING SOURCE Solved bug in the list window of sent emails in the Platinum edition.