
Receive all the coupons from the sites that you work with or from those carried out from your own website.

This web service provides you the possibility of receiving leads from external sources (such as your own website or other educational promoting sites that you work with) in your powerful aGora enquiries manager.

Any educational site or developer can integrate enquiries with our platform through our webLeads API (application programming interface).

Subscribe now
from only 12.50 €/month

More information about aGora.webLeads service



Get your entire professional environment connected to your aGora.

aGora offers the possibility to improve relationships between your centre and your customers, students, staff, etc. with aGora.connect.

This platform is going to be constantly growing and developing, offering communication services through new technologies to keep you in touch with all people around your business.

Start the free month
after that, from only 21.00 €/month

Discover aGora.connect


Accept ONLINE card payments without having to develop any code.

With this extension you will be able to receive online payments from your customers by sending them an email or text message from aGora ERP. Moreover, if you have subscribed aGora.connect extension, the customers will be able to make the payment from the customers application of this module.

More information about aGora.webPayments



Link your online enrolment to your aGora ERP.

With this extension you can make requests to our web services that will create 'pre-enrolments' in your aGora system. So, this module will allow you to integrate the registration system of your website with aGora ERP.

Subscribe now
from only 18.00 €/month
now from only 9.00 €/month*

* Offer valid only until 10/31/2024

More information about aGora.enrollMe extension


Link your aGora with the most popular LMS (Learning Managemet System).

If you use a Moodle™ platform, this module will make you save reasonably your time, your effort and, of course your money, just by linking some data already introduced in aGora to your Moodle™ platform.

More information about Moodle™ module



Carry on commercial campaigns from aGora using your MailChimp® account.

Link your MailChimp® account to aGora and make segmented campaigns from queries or filters about customers or students.

Subscribe now
from only 10.00 €/month

More information about MailChimp® module



Add electronic signature to all your documents

With aGora.SignRequest credit packages you will be able to select any document generated or attached in aGora ERP (contracts, budgets, advanced management documentation,...) and send a signature request to the recipients you choose among your students, customers or teachers, who will be able to review and sign it quickly and securely from their mobile, tablet, laptop or desktop computer.

In addition to the document to be signed, other documents can optionally be added as attachments. It is also possible to require the signatory to provide his/her own documentation in the signing process, for example, to attach a scanned image of his/her ID card.

Buy now
from only 95.00 €

More information about aGora.signRequest service


Make queries of your data from your own developments.

If you already have an Silver Professional edition or higher, with this module you'll be able to connect directly with your aGora Microsoft® SQL Server™ database from your own developments or from those of others.

Subscribe now
from only 20.00 €/month

Discover aGora.endPoints
